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Stealth Mode. Business/Private report

Business/Private report allows company car drivers to keep their personal journeys private.

A single click of the Privacy button at any point during the Journey puts the vehicle into Stealth Mode.

Stealth Mode means:

  • the Journey is hidden from view;

  • the Left Menu changes to PRIVATE and prevents Users from viewing the current address, speed and direction. The Left Menu and Map will show the last known 'Business' location.

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  • While the vehicle is parked following a Private Journey, the Selection Menu remains Private until a Business Journey is performed.

  • When the driver begins another Journey, they have up to 120 seconds in which to switch Stealth Mode back on (i.e. push the button) before the vehicle location is disclosed.

  • When a driver begins a journey after having previously completed a 'Private Journey', a countdown will begin and if the presses the Privacy button before 120s has elapsed, their position shall remain hidden, and the Journey will be a 'Private Journey'.

The 'Business /Private' report allows Users to view all Journeys but hides the Private journeys, only disclosing the distance travelled.

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Note:  There is no way to change a Journey from a Private Journey to a Business Journey once the Privacy button has been pressed. If the driver presses the Privacy button in error, s/he should turn off the ignition and turn it back on again.

The Privacy button is a momentary switch, it need only be pressed once, and it returns to its relaxed state immediately afterward.

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